Saturday, January 12, 2008

A Different Look Back at 2007 (or I've been tagged)

Some of you may have seen these posts around the blogosphere already. Paul Charteris started the "Trail Running Blog Tag" almost a month ago. The always farther-faster Jean Pommier tagged me, so here goes.

1. Most memorable moment on the trails in 2007.

This is the first question, but I'm actually answering it last. It may have been finding a turtle in the middle of the forest (and discovering later that it was native). Or my run in the Washington desert or some of the Tuesday night runs with my co-workers. I can't decide. I just know that I was happy every time I was out there. That's more than anybody could ask for.

2. Best new trail discovered in 2007.

Most runners in Atlanta know the Cochran Shoals Fitness Trail, by many referred to simply as "By The River". Well, there are some wonderful trails in the hills behind this super-highway of trails near Gumbly Creek and Sibley Pond. You can find some gnarly single track back there with inclines that will make your heart rate skyrocket. All this less than two miles from my office. Bliss!

(The East Palisades trails are a close second, by the way)

3. My best performance of 2007.

This one is hard. In terms of races, I would say the Great Race of Agoura 1/2 marathon. My time was 1:40 and change (good for 60/1000+ and 5th in AG) . What made the race challenging for me was a darned softball game I'd played three days prior. I hadn't used fast-twitch muscle is who knows how long and I was as sore as I've ever been. (I know It sounds ludicrous, but it's true.) Throw in a cross-country flight (from Atlanta to L.A.) the night before, the resulting three hours of sleep and the 800+ feet elevation gain and you have a pretty decent performance.

Oh, and this rather unflattering photo was taken at that race as well. It now adorns my fridge. My girlfriend thinks it's funny.

My best run overall was in training though. My ultra through Atlanta. Gorgeous day, great run.

Actually, on second thought, running 292 days in a row was my best performance. No doubt.

4. I don't know how I previously survived without...

My ultimate direction hand-held water bottle. It's gold, Jerry!

5. The person I would most like to meet on the trails in 2008

Anybody who is out there enjoying the trails is somebody I'd like to meet. Also, meeting some of the other bloggers I enjoy reading or the one or two people who read this blog would be neat.

6. The race I am most excited about for 2008.

It may sound trite, but I'm excited for them all. Having to miss so many last year has really made me appreciate putting a race number on and giving it my best. I'm particularly excited for Red Top Rumble and Oak Mountain.

I hereby tag Robin, Running Twig, and Addy.


runningtwig said...

Thanks for the tag. I hope your foot gets to feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Great photo! It looks like you're about to burst into singing... maybe a little Bee Gees "Staying Alive"?

Gotta Run..... said...

So I have been tagged... this one I will have to think about....

Jean Pommier said...

Thanks for taking the tagging well, Dave, it's kind of epidemic... ;-)

292 days in a row, wow! That's quite a string, congratulations. Still counting? Sincerely, I'm not a fan of such series. If you push a bit, injury happens and better getting some real recovery then. Yet, I'm amazed at the contest going on, with participants running every consecutive days for several years.

All the best to achieve all your goals in 2008! (Plus water for Georgia, and Atlanta in particular.)


Mark Tanaka (Ultrailnakaman) said...

Yes, cool photo. Love the contrast of your drought, rain and snow photos, btw. Nurse that ankle.